The St Lucie County Fire District is the only fire department that is designed to operate as a countywide state recognized entity. The Fire District is a countywide taxing authority set up to provide fire rescue services to the residents of Port St Lucie, Fort Pierce and the unincorporated St Lucie County areas. Florida law mandates that representation is required by those entities as well as the Port St Lucie City Charter. The make up of the board is 2 members of the Fort Pierce City Commission, 2 members of the St Lucie County Commission, 2 members of the Port St Lucie City Council and the Governor of the State of Florida appoints the seventh member.
As a Fire Commissioner for eight years Commissioner Cooper, a 28 year Palm Beach County Fire Rescue Driver Engineer, lead the way for St Lucie County residents by; Rebuilding three fire stations. Hurricane hardening all stations. Building a new fire station in S/W Port St Luice. Building a new fire station in Tradition. Adding a 100 foot platform ladder truck to St Lucie West. Adding a new Hazardous Materials Response Truck. Adding a new Special Operations Response Truck. Adding a new Air Rescue Firefighting truck to the airport, station #4. Replacing old station #3 on Prima Vista Blvd to the IRSC/Ravenswood complex. Appointed a new Clerk/Treasurer. Appointed a new Fire Chief. Moved and built the new headquarters from Fort Pierce to Port St Lucie. Built a new state of the art maintenance shop. Increased staffing. Making the Fire District one of the best places in St Lucie County to work for several years.