Chris Cooper came to the Port St Lucie City Council in 2002 and was instrumental in finishing the widening of Port St Lucie Blvd from Morningside Blvd to US1 and the widening of Airoso Blvd. He was also a part of the widening of Bayshore Blvd and expanding Gatlin Blvd from two lanes to six lanes. The very important Florida Turnpike Interchange at Becker Road and the improvements to the Lennard Road area. The completion of the interchange at the Crosstown Parkway and I-95. As well as the completion of the Crosstown Parkway from west of I-95 to just west of Floresta Drive. The completion of the interchange at Becker and I-95 and the widening of Becker Road. The completion of Southbend Blvd to Becker Road. As the Councilman for District 3 Cooper was also instrumental in the introduction of SUNPASS only lanes at the Port St Lucie/Turnpike interchange.